Saturday, January 27, 2018

Reading progress update: I've read 200 out of 432 pages.

Blood Fury - J.R. Ward

Not much going on except sex so far. I like romance novels, but it has to have more story too, like fighting and magic. Come on, Ward, don’t let me down.

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Friday, January 26, 2018

Finally, I have a device working. Laptop needs new cord after unfortunate incident with vacuum, phone just got old and quit, the tablet has been lost, and the desktop is continuously being used for school work. As much as I hate apple, my new iPhone is pretty easy to use for typing up posts for book likes. Impressed, but I miss android.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Reading progress update: I've read 221 out of 402 pages.

Lord of the Fading Lands - C.L. Wilson

Also, I hate this cover. With so many peeps so in love with A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR) series by Maas, this is similar in ways, they need a new cover and I feel a lot of ACOTAR fans would pick this up if it was more eye appealing. It definitely is helping me through my ACOTAR book hangover.

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Reading progress update: I've read 220 out of 402 pages.

Lord of the Fading Lands - C.L. Wilson




Just stick it out. The action will come soon. Once all this political world building is done and you finally remember who is who and who hated who this has the potential be everything you love in a sappy romance fantasy novel. Slap a smile on your face and grin and bear it. (Every time I use the words grin and bear it...I think grin and bare it instead. Lol I think of sitting naked and smiling while I complete a dreaded task.) 


I know the a tion picks up soon,  I snuck a peak at the next book in series, hopefully the magic and fantasy elements become more prevalent soon, I am bored. Shit needs to happen soon, like now! I am so impatient. 

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Released today!

Blood Fury - J.R. Ward


So excited! Warden, you better not let me down. I seriously thought about not continuing with the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, then the Warden released this spin-off series, it is all I like about the earlier BDB books, just new charactwrs added to the mix, and we do get frequent visits from the original bros. Hopefully this is just as good as the previous two books. For those who gave up on the original series, but miss the world these are in, give this spin-off series a shot.

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Thursday, January 4, 2018

Good News!

I DON'T HAVE CANCER!!! Got the news yesterday. So happy, still surgery to get it out, but no ovarian cancer. Phew... I was scared. So relieved. 

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