Sunday, October 14, 2018

Down to Oath


Down to Oath - Tyrolin Puxty

I seriously wish I could give half stars. 3 1/2

I liked this, especially the oddball main character, Codi. She lives in a world where everything is cookie cutter, no differences amongst the people, nothing exciting... then there is some excitement in the form of a child in a childless village. Codi learns there is more out there, and she has the power of choice, BIG choice.

I wish this were a bit longer. There was so much that could have been expanded, if done right this could be a great story.


Book provided by Netgalley.

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Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Pigman


The Pigman - Paul Zindel

This was okay. I liked how it began with a prank phone call being the starting point of what could have been a great friendship between two teens and an older man. They man was at a desperate time in his life, the teens took advantage of this. I really think the teens in this were not great kids at all. 


My daughter read this with me, it was for a school project. She liked it and found it sort of fun to read about how teens lives who lived not too long ago were so much different than what hers is.

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Free at Tor

All the Birds in the Sky - Charlie Jane Anders

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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Women Heroes of World War II


Women Heroes of World War II: 26 Stories of Espionage, Sabotage, Resistance, and Rescue - Kathryn J. Atwood

I have always disliked that women are not as remembered as much as men who did the same thing as them in history. I do understand that women were not as empowered as they are today, but I also know that there had to be some awesome ladies who do awesome things. This book is abou those women during he Second World War.


I enjoyed reading this and sharing it my children. My son was really impressed by how amazing some of the women featured were and how important some of their accomplishes were. For my daughter this gave her a sort of I can do everything you can do, only better for a few days, secretly I like this, but it was slightly annoying for a few days. 


Highly recommended. Would be a great addition to any library. 

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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett


Foundryside - Robert Jackson Bennett

I just love this author. I was excited to see a new series by him, it did not disappoint . The worlds he creates are so easy to get lost in.

When I read the first book in a fantasy series I usually begin to crave more action as there is so much focus on world building, this is especially so with a book thelat is introducing a complex magic system as this one did. I did not have that problem with this book and felt it was evenly balanced. In this we get a city with industrialized magic.

I love the way the author builds his characters with layers. One minute you love them, the next not so much.


So much anticipating the second book.


Review copy provided by Netgalley.


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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Halfway to the Grave


Halfway to the Grave - Jeaniene Frost

I did not much care for this book the first time I read it. I have come to the conclusion that I may have been temporarily crazy at time of said reading, this time around I really liked it. Not a five star read, but a solid four. This time around I sdid the audio version. At times the way that Bones’s (the dude) were read I felt it was a bit off, kinda made me giggle at times. I admit though that I prefer when an audiobook has a gal reading the gal parts and a guy reading the guy ones. I love when there is a full cast the best, but can’t seem to remember what book I listened to that had that going on. Book two will be read.

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Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Reblogged from: Moonlight Madness


Obsidian and I have decided on the categories for this year's game of Halloween Bingo! The category reveals will begin tomorrow, to allow everyone to have ample time for book planning, purchasing, lending, obtaining, begging, borrowing and all other forms of bookish acquisition!


I will be revealing them 5 categories per day until all 31 have been announced. There are some carryover categories from last year, although many of them have been tweaked a bit. There are some new categories for this year - some of which I am pretty excited about and hope you will be, too!


Remember, all of the books for Halloween bingo need to fit into one of four general categories: horror, mystery, supernatural or suspense. Within those four general genres, there is lots of room for variation, and within each of the categories there is lots of room for imagination! If you can come up with a justification, you can read the book!


Remember, Halloween Bingo is intended to be full of bookish fun. It isn't a job. It isn't homework. The prize is the satisfaction of sticking your sticker over the category.


Once I reveal all of the categories, I will open a thread for card requests. Each person will receive an INDIVIDUAL card. If you didn't play last year, and you have questions, you can check out this thread in the bingo group, which will explain the rules. You can also find answers to the questions that players asked last year!

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Monday, July 16, 2018

The Darkest Warrior by Gena Showalter

The Darkest Warrior - Gena Showalter

I for one am glad that Gillian didn’t end up with William. I didn’t like them together. She is too good for him, he needs a girl who is going to fight him the whole way through. I do very much anticipate his book though.

I really like Puck. I really like Gillian. Without him she would never have had the chance to accomplish all she did in Amaranthia. She grew up, and was able to do so that it was all hers.

I just love this world, one of my favorite series. There were quite a few more characters added in this meaning future leads for books. I dig it.


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Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Wild Inside

The Wild Inside - Jamey Bradbury

This started out decent, I was interested in what was going on and what was to come. After reading the book though, I still don’t have the answers to either.

A major problem was that I had an ARC copy and there were no quotations marks for dialogue. I was so lost, I even wrote them in with ink, then realized after adding them I still had no idea who was saying what. I skipped pages hoping it got better, but I just couldn’t get past all of that and threw in the towel at about forty pages in. Love the cover though.

I may later heck an ebook sample out to see if the finished product seems better.


NOPE! Still no quotation marks. Editing needed. If it is some sort of unique reason for the punctuation errors, NOT COOL! 

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Saturday, June 16, 2018


Endless Knight - Kresley Cole

So glad the next book is available. I knew this is where the book was headed, so exactly what I needed right now. Who will she pick I the end? It’s a hard choice, I dunno. NEXT BOOK....

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Poison Princess


Poison Princess - Kresley Cole

This was... AWESOME! On to the next! Love how dark it is, love the desperate world it’s set in. Ugh... why did I keep putting these off so long. I have read one of the other books, liked it, but after reading this is feel it will be just as great.

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Sunday, June 10, 2018


Raziel - Kristina Douglas

i like the idea, but I feel their was so much missed potential so far. This starts out with the main character dying, which I think could have been the start to something great, had the story went in a different direction. I was listening to audiobooks and think the people reading were great. I then started reading the actual written book and realized that the only reason I was enjoying at all was because of their performances.  


on the next series in my trying to “find some good angel romance”quest I am determined to complete.

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Monday, June 4, 2018

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas


A Court of Frost and Starlight - Sarah J. Maas

I liked this, but I was so hoping for more action. This is all about the feelings and how the group has progressed since the last book. 

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