Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Unyielding


The Unyielding - Shelly Laurenston

This was great. I was so upset when Laurenston stopped writing more novels for her Pride series. Well, I am over it and am happy that she is spending her time on these now. I rated the first two books in this series high, but this one far surpassed.


The main characters in these books are Skuld's warriors, a crazy bunch of women who were rescued from the afterlife. We also see other character who are warriors for various other Norse gods: Odin's Ravens, Thor's Giant Killers, and more. In this book we get shifters added to the mix too. I have to wonder if at some point the Pride series will somehow tie into this series, one can obsess hope.


Inot my opinion this is one of the best paranormal romance series out, as good as books by Cole, Ward, and all the other major PNR authors. Reminds me of a Lords of the Underwolrd/Immortals After Dark love child. 


If you love PNR, definitely put this at the very top of your TBR. 


Review copy provided through Netgalley. 

Original post: jessicafox.booklikes.com/post/1539412/the-unyielding

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