Thursday, March 30, 2017

Requiem for the Wolf


Requiem for the Wolf (Tales from the Tiarna Beo Book 1) - Tara Saunders

This has a dark feel to it. There are some pretty graphic scenes, but it's not nasty gruesome. I like that in a book, a lot.

The gadhar attacked again, slashing the loose skin on the wolf's neck with dagger-sharp claws. Bragg lunged, his knife finding flesh this time scoring a short line of red along the wolf's haunch.

This is pretty unique from other books that sit in the same genre/type, also good. The writing is good, very heavy on content. By that I mean there is a lot packed in and it is very detailed. My favorite scene was in the beginning where the main character is at a market of sorts and he meets up with a bad guy Lupe who he had been tracking. 

The writing is good. There are no plot holes that stood out. Not many, if any, typos. I would have liked to see more descriptive summary concerning the setting. They were described, and I got a good idea, but it seemed to lack the beautiful wording that a lot of fantasy books have.

All in all a good read. I hope to see more from this author and really am impressed. I didn't know own what to expect as I have never read anything from her prior to this. I look forward to reading her work as she builder her skills as a writer.

Review ebook provided from Netgalley.



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