Saturday, July 2, 2016


Ines' Words - Haidji

This is another great story written by Haidji. I love the way the words she uses strings together so lyrically. This is beautiful. Parts made my heart ache, I truly felt this story with every feeling imaginable. I can think of no other way to describe this than to share an excerpt:


Believe in deeds and not just words.

In acts we see who persons are

In words we see only

who they would like to be.


Believe in those who make you smile

and not in those who just smile at you.

Those will leave you crying alone

after you wiped their tears.


For as they did not see your smile.

They will not see your tears.

But only their own tears

and their own smile.


They smiled at Ines,

and then they killed her.

They ignored her tears.

They did not think about her children.

Driven by conveniences.

In a world where there was no room for love.

Her tears fell and gave rise to Tears Fountain.


Love fell with her,

touched the ground, took root and was

reborn, as the Tree of Love."


This begins with a brief telling of the tragic love between Ines de Castro and King d Pedro I. The present swirls and intertwines with the past, their story.


Book won in LibraryThing giveaway. I agreed to review in exchange.


Original post:

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