Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hoof, Ass and Elbow...

So the kids got hoof, ass, and elbow... I mean hand, foot and mouth. They are crabby, contagious, and bumpy... not too bumpy though. I have my doubts as to whether the diagnosis is correct. Their feet and hands should also be broke out, not just their throats.


My company has a policy that states when members of your residential family are diagnosed with a contagious disease or illness that is easily spread, you must stay home from work through the incubation period. I hope to get a lot of reading done in my 1-4 days off. Don't know for sure length until I talk to director of nursing tomorrow.


I think I will work on my Netgalley titles and also my Freebie Finding.

Original post: jessicafox.booklikes.com/post/1444300/hoof-ass-and-elbow

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