Monday, June 27, 2016


The Queen's Wings: The Emerging Queens (Entangled Edge) - J.L. Langley

I ended up liking this a lot more than I thought I would.  I would have given it four stars if I didn't feel that the ending seemed to drag on just a tad bit too long, it wasn't annoyingly long, I just think it could have been better if there weren't a few small filler parts.


This author has a sense of humor.  The writing isn't perfect, but woth the humor it almost seems to be on purposeThe character's were likeable, flawed, and easy to relate too, not the be being a dragon part (which would be awesome if I could relate to that).  I especially love the little detail where Carolyn, the female lead, can't seem to not misplace her purse, and she is also a book hoarder. 


This also got me thinking a bit. What would it be like to have someone else also living in your thoughts?  A soul with no body slips into Carolyn's mind in order to keep out of the dragon version of heaven.  At time this soul makes an ass out of Carolyn by taking control of her speech. Most the time she uses this to flirt.


Be aware that this is intended for adults. It contains vulgar language and explicit sex.


This is the first in a series, I will definitely be continuing.  Hopefully my library has an ecopy of book two.  If not I may have to put it on hold.

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