Thursday, December 28, 2017

Need to find new read...

Something like A Court of Thorns and Roses that will take me far away from real life, nothing that could happen in real life. I need the happy parts and need the romance mushy shit too. Any ideas?


Original post:

Monday, December 25, 2017

I really miss being here more often

I miss being a to spend more of my time chatting with all you here at Booklikes. So much has happened lately. My husband is preparing for surgery. A pretty invasive one, a mass has popped up near his spine. It is deep, and growing rapidly. Not cancer, but if it gains more mass it will start to press on his spine. My health is not wonderful either. The doctor found a large tumor on my ovary. Waiting for the verdict on whether it is cancer or not. More testing tomorrow and the 28th. I am in pain, the mass is basically compressing the ovary and blocking my bowels, and puzshing on my bladder. They offered me opiate painkillers, for a minute my inner drug addict belted I wanna swing from the chandeliers... in my head. My mouth and reasonably thinking part of me politely declined. If the pain intensifies I think I may have to consider my options though, responsibly I hope. I know that most likely, based on the testing already done, it will be surgical. Fingers crossed. So much more has happened in the last month, hubby's grandma passed, my kid had dental surgery twice, I am tired.


I miss my books, and my book friends. I know I won't have time now or in the immediate future to devote more time to here, but someday I will be back full force and reviewing the he'll out of all the books I will be reading. Though I don't always have time to LIKE all posts or comment a lot, I do pop on to see what you are all reading and thinking. 



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Free today

Interest - Kevin Gaughen

Free on Amazon


Read this about a year ago. Enjoyed it.

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Original post:

Sunday, December 24, 2017



Fliers: 20 Small Posters with Big Thoughts - Nathaniel Russell

I enjoyed this. The idea behind it is a good one. Each addition is not what it initially seems at first glance, hidden d alternative messages aol wit h multiple tranlations and interpretations. 

I do feel here needed to be more content. Maybe a small description of each flyer ncluded giving the .eaning the author wished to convey. I do give props for the creativity, and I feel there are those out there who would get a lot more out of this then I.




NATHANIEL RUSSELL was born and raised in Indiana. After college, Russell spent several years in the San Francisco Bay Area making posters, record covers, and woodcuts. He returned to his home city of Indianapolis and now spends his time creating drawings, fake fliers, bad sculptures, wood shapes, and music.





Review copy provided by Blogging for Books.


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