I have been having some cheap health lately. Finally figured out what is going on. Docs diagnosed me with crohns. I still haven't processed this yet...
Original post: jessicafox.booklikes.com/post/1519887/forgot-this-part
I have been having some cheap health lately. Finally figured out what is going on. Docs diagnosed me with crohns. I still haven't processed this yet...
Original post: jessicafox.booklikes.com/post/1519887/forgot-this-part
I haven't been very active on here lately. I hope to change that soon. Recently it has been a string of craptastic electronic failures that have stopped me from posting. This post is being typed on my tiny, slightly larger than a cell phone, six inch, four year old kindle fire tablet. For anyone who hasn't used one of these it is a pain especially because there is a lag between when you type and when it appears on the screen at times, the most inconvenient times it seems. All within the last month to month and a half I have had one laptop, one desktop, one phone, one tablet and one wireless Bluetooth keyboard have issues. The tablet, I love that thing, is currently at the electronic doctors and there is a possibility that it is not fixable this time. The desk computer just needs me to figure out what the shell I accidentally changed when I fell asleep face first on the thing and face changed a shot ton of things on accident for over two hours every time my head would move, I move constantly when sleeping. The laptop's charger met a nasty death in a tug of war match between my dogs. And the phone fell into a puddle. I still have my older devices but find myself unhappy with them because I so used to my usual things. I am very picky and spare no costs when it comes to my electronics choices.
I must admit thatI am getting pretty good at using this tiny thing. That only took me five minutes to type.
Everything else is going great. I have finally put my foot down and am not working anymore stupid extra hours, 45 a week and that is they get of me.
The kids are great. All three have straight A's, two have joined student counsel, one is a star student. The boy is a heck of an athlete and surprises me everyday. My daughter has really matured into a beautiful young lady and no longer looks like a little girl anymore. I know everyone thinks their kids are beautiful, but this isn't just parent rose colored glasses, she is gorgeous. The sister is driving, I know, scares the shit out of me. I finally see her for the first time since our mother's death starting to act like a teenager and live a little.
Original post: jessicafox.booklikes.com/post/1519863/howdy
From the Back:
From the New York Times bestselling author of Lost in Translation comes this charming illustrated collection of more than fifty expressions from around the globe that explore the nuances of language. From the hilarious and romantic to the philosophical and literal, the idioms, proverbs, and adages in The Illustrated Book of Sayings reveal the remarkable diversity, humor, and poignancy of the world’s languages and cultures.
My Thoughts:
I first want to say that this isn't at all what I expected. This is more of a "gift" book than the educational/fun fact type of book I thought it would be, but I did enjoy it.
This is 110 pages long. Each entry is dedicated to a language and is followed by a full page illustrated representation of the chosen expression. The illustrations remind me of a child's book, but it fits. I do wish the illustration was before the explanation, I feel it would be smoother flowing that way because you don't know the expression of focus until you look at the image.
What I found interesting is how these expressions came to be, and also how some of the English translations turn out.
About the Author:
Ella Frances Sanders is a writer out of necessity and an illustrator by accident. She currently lives and works in the city of Bath, UK, without a cat.
Her first book, Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words was was published in September 2014 and is an international and New York Times bestseller, and her second book The Illustrated Book of Sayings: Curious Expressions from Around the World, was published in September 2016.
I received a review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Original post: jessicafox.booklikes.com/post/1519814/illustrated-book-of-sayings
Original post: jessicafox.booklikes.com/post/1512517/eternal-pleasure