Monday, December 26, 2016

SG - Suicide Game - Haidji

Haidji's writing style is unique, to say the least. Yes, she is a writer, but she is also an artist and her writing has a style I have never before encountered. Not only do you get an amazing story, but you get a story that is told in a beautiful, lyrical fashion. Her words paint beautiful pictures in your mind, sometimes these pictures have stories of their own.


In this we read a story set in the near future. A new game has become crazy popular. In this game the participants know they will most likely not come out alive. Sound like The Hunger Games, it has some similarities, but don't go into this expecting a readalike. 


And the candidates jumoed, all at the same time, still hearing the echo of the bell's sounding, mas the Hare Krishna mantra started again.


In their homes, in front of the TV, holding their their mobile devices,and even in the Stadium, people jumped, standing up, caught in the adrenaline rush of the moment, as the bell rang out.


Free falling bodies. After twenty meter free fall, some wires broke, and the bodies continued down, falling on the Stadium ground, where dumb screams where muffled by the sound of the Hare Krishna mantra.



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Binding Ties - Shannon K. Butcher

This is the newest book out in what is a much better than expected series. I really like the characters in this. As I have said about the previous books, this author writes some really decent action/fight scenes. She also likes to write steamy, graphic sex scenes to boot. 



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Sunday, December 25, 2016

I just figured out what Cards Against Humanity is. Walked in find my kids playing it, I bought it for the fourteen year old for Christmas aas a last minute gift to even things up

 Guess what! The eight year old won, twice.

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Friday, December 16, 2016

Hi booklikers. Is the site running better for everyone else, or is just me? Still working lots of hours, but have Christmas weekend off so expect a crap load of reviews posted from me. I will be posting a few quick ones, but will be doing so from my phone, not fun.


I am glad to see some of you are still her, but so notice that it seems some have dropped off. Now I am trying to play catch up and see who is really left.

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Blood Vow by The Warden


Blood Vow: Black Dagger Legacy - J.R. Ward

This is book two in what is supposed to be a spin-off to the Black Dagger Brotherhoodd, I do feel that you really must be reading both of them in order to understand what is going on as the story line of the original series really moves forward in these. In these books we follow a younger set of fighters that are training for the brotherhood. I like that there are female warriors in this and it is really a lot like what the first books were like. 


In a nutshell this iss done old school warden style.



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Friday, December 2, 2016

Shit... Fu*k No!

So, bought a few books for the kids for Christmas today. And decided to pick up some hair dye while I was there, CINNABERRY. I always use it. It's the perfect brownish reddish like a cinnamon stick only darker. Mixed it up, put it on my head, waited the proper time, rinsed, conditioned, then blow dried... It's fucking burgundy! Some jackass thought it was funny to change the color tube. Asshat. I call Walcrap to tell them they needed to gocheck their hair dye and the teenage rep laughed about this. Ugh... My hair is purplish when in light. what the hell, maybe it will grow on me.

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