Monday, December 26, 2016

SG - Suicide Game - Haidji

Haidji's writing style is unique, to say the least. Yes, she is a writer, but she is also an artist and her writing has a style I have never before encountered. Not only do you get an amazing story, but you get a story that is told in a beautiful, lyrical fashion. Her words paint beautiful pictures in your mind, sometimes these pictures have stories of their own.


In this we read a story set in the near future. A new game has become crazy popular. In this game the participants know they will most likely not come out alive. Sound like The Hunger Games, it has some similarities, but don't go into this expecting a readalike. 


And the candidates jumoed, all at the same time, still hearing the echo of the bell's sounding, mas the Hare Krishna mantra started again.


In their homes, in front of the TV, holding their their mobile devices,and even in the Stadium, people jumped, standing up, caught in the adrenaline rush of the moment, as the bell rang out.


Free falling bodies. After twenty meter free fall, some wires broke, and the bodies continued down, falling on the Stadium ground, where dumb screams where muffled by the sound of the Hare Krishna mantra.



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Binding Ties - Shannon K. Butcher

This is the newest book out in what is a much better than expected series. I really like the characters in this. As I have said about the previous books, this author writes some really decent action/fight scenes. She also likes to write steamy, graphic sex scenes to boot. 



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Sunday, December 25, 2016

I just figured out what Cards Against Humanity is. Walked in find my kids playing it, I bought it for the fourteen year old for Christmas aas a last minute gift to even things up

 Guess what! The eight year old won, twice.

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Friday, December 16, 2016

Hi booklikers. Is the site running better for everyone else, or is just me? Still working lots of hours, but have Christmas weekend off so expect a crap load of reviews posted from me. I will be posting a few quick ones, but will be doing so from my phone, not fun.


I am glad to see some of you are still her, but so notice that it seems some have dropped off. Now I am trying to play catch up and see who is really left.

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Blood Vow by The Warden


Blood Vow: Black Dagger Legacy - J.R. Ward

This is book two in what is supposed to be a spin-off to the Black Dagger Brotherhoodd, I do feel that you really must be reading both of them in order to understand what is going on as the story line of the original series really moves forward in these. In these books we follow a younger set of fighters that are training for the brotherhood. I like that there are female warriors in this and it is really a lot like what the first books were like. 


In a nutshell this iss done old school warden style.



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Friday, December 2, 2016

Shit... Fu*k No!

So, bought a few books for the kids for Christmas today. And decided to pick up some hair dye while I was there, CINNABERRY. I always use it. It's the perfect brownish reddish like a cinnamon stick only darker. Mixed it up, put it on my head, waited the proper time, rinsed, conditioned, then blow dried... It's fucking burgundy! Some jackass thought it was funny to change the color tube. Asshat. I call Walcrap to tell them they needed to gocheck their hair dye and the teenage rep laughed about this. Ugh... My hair is purplish when in light. what the hell, maybe it will grow on me.

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dying Wish: A Novel of the Sentinel Wars - Shannon K. Butcher

This one had moments of wonderful, but it also had moments that annoyed me. I liked the couple and think they are a good match. I like how all the side stories are progressing promising possible greatness to come. I am really curious about Sybil and Maura, they were trapped in children's bodies for years but circumstances have made them grow up physically. 


On to the next book, I have no clue what couple is next but have my fingers crossed for Joseph, Sybil, or Tynan.

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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Blood Hunt (Book Four Sentinel Wars)


Blood Hunt - Shannon K. Butcher

I'm this Logan, a sanguinar (like an alien vampire) is the male focus rather than a Sentinel. It was a welcome change and helped it to not become monotonous.. I like the female, Hope. She has amnesia and remembers nothing of her past. She notices street people are missing, she volunteers at a shelter. In her search for one girl she finds Logan fighting a creature. 


Logan is on mission to basically be a match maker. His people survive off of blood. The blood they need is a specific type. There is not much available and his people are starving. He matches people with strong blood and makes sure they hit it off in hopes of making more food sources for his kind when these matches one day have babies. He knows Hopes blood iss compatible and he starts to find her a match, but begins to have feelings for her.


This author is really good at making characters complex. I also like how descriptive she has painted the bad guys in this. They are aweful looking and some look like big, big insects, other deformed humans, and so on.


I like these on to the next book.

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Monday, November 21, 2016

Running Scared (Book 3 Sentinel Wars)


Running Scared - Shannon K. Butcher

Another nice read in this series. So far I am enjoying these a lot more than I expected. 


The world is pretty unique and I like the way this author spins a story. Each book tells more about the central plotlines keeping each book new and fresh. So far they aren't feeling as repetitive.


This is definitely for adult, the sex is very graphic. I am very happy to say that there is only one or two scenes per book. 


I do wish the author had included more action/fight scenes in this, she is very talented at writing those parts.


There are a few things about this that really grab my interest. One of these is how the Sentinels came to be on Earth, aliens. We found out in this book where the compatible females came from. For a long time it was thought there were little to none of them left, then some were discovered and no one could figure out how it was possible that they exsisted. I love the females are the ones who get mega awesome gifts when they commit to their male match. 


I am very anxious to find out how some things work out. The entire Sentinel race is thought to be unable to reproduce. One person knows why and is to blame for it, no one but this person knows they caused the problem and are considering sharing their secret in order to try to remedy the issue. I really want to find out how things work out for a mentally troubled Sentinel compatible woman. Her book is the next in this series, I already borrowed the digital copy from my library (yay!). :She was attacked by the Sentinel's enemy as a child and has suffered since. Her story has slowly been growing since her sister was the focus of book two.



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Friday, November 18, 2016

Finding the Lost

Finding the Lost - Shannon K. Butcher

This is book two inn The Sentinel Wars series. It is paranormal romance. This one is slightly better than the first book and has opened the world in which this is set up so much. There are many ways for this to grow.


There are to more Theronian females found in this, actually three in a way. One is the main female lead, the other is her sick sister. The sick sister is more intriguing toe the than the main character. She is a mystery and the hurdles she will have to overcome will be amazing. The male in which I think she will be with is the tortured soul type and has already given up hope for his own happy ending. There is also another character that was introduced that really caught my attention. He was injured in battle and is now paralyzed, he too has given up hope. He has decided that he would rather die than live on the way he is and is slowly starving himself to death.


I am really enjoying this. The sex scenes are pretty bad. There is the whole "I must hold back feomy true urges so I don't break her" sex going on... MAJOR EYE ROLLS! Also has the "I want you but am too stupid to just admit it" thing going on too... MY EUES ARE IN A PERMAMENT EYE ROLL. That being said, there are some really great things going on too. I love the dialogue in this at times. I also really enjoy how this author writes the fight scenes and how her characters are really starting to develope. I have hopes for this series as a whole, the beginning is very well set up. 

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Burning Alive


Burning Alive - Shannon K. Butcher

Great start to a series. This has a few different types of characters that are all dependant on each other. Theain characters are sentinels. They have this tree tattoo that represents there life. When all the leaves fall their life is done. In order for them to not die they must find their female counterpart, not an easy feat because it is believed that there are not many, if any left to be found. Then Helen pops up.


Corny romance, first series world building, alpha males, and decent fighting action scenes. Book two is better, glad I continued with this.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Night Voyage (Adult Ci


The Night Voyage: A Magical Adventure and Coloring Book (Time Adult Coloring Books) - Daria Song

I really like this. I have a few other coloring books that made like this one. They don't look like your normal everyday coloring book. They are of very nice quality. The pictures are sequenced so a story is told. The paper is super bright white and is very nice to color on. There is printing on both sides of each page andsome markers do bleed through. 


This third installment in Daria Song's Time series follows the little girl on a  nighttime adventure with a toy train conductor to deliverresents around the world. This put me much in mind of Polar Express. 


This would make a great gift for people of all ages who have an interest in this. My Prismacolor pencils work great with this. My twork girls will each be getting the three book set for Christmas. The prices for these books are not excessive, this one is just under ten dollars.  





About the Artist/Author:


DARIA SONG is an author and artist with a master's degree in fiber arts from the Ewha Womans University Graduate School of Fine Arts. Winner of the Kyung Hyang Arts Contest, Song has exhibited at numerous galleries and museums in Korea, Singapore, Turkey, and Hong Kong. She is a lecturer at the Kaywon School of Arts and her illustrations can be found in Amore Pacific and SK Planet. She spent five years of her childhood in San Francisco before returning to Korea, and the sense of wonder and mystery that comes from living in a far-off place inspired her internationally best-selling adult coloring books, The Time Garden and The Time Chamber.




I received a copy of this through Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.

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Where I have been...

Well... It has been exhausting to say the least. Work is going the same as it has. Home life has been crazy. First the oldest kid got sick, real sick. She was off school for a little over a week. She had bronchitis really bad. As soon as she started feeling better the rest of us got sick. My husband ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, he just got home yesterday. He is still sick. His pulse ox won't stay up so he is on oxygen. My son has bronchitis, a horrid ear infection. He is going stir crazy stuck in the house. The middle kid is a lot like me. She keeps moving when she gets sick, me and her started feeling better a lot quicker than the others. She still has a nasty cold.


At the same time as all of that I was in Columbus accepting an award for excellence in my field of work. I feel very honored for that. I also ended up audited by job and family services because of the benefits my sister receives. I forgot to tell them about a raise I recieved at work so they pulled me in torreview last two years of income. I also forgot to tell them about an IRA I was beneficiary of when grandma passed away. All this big deal over an overpayment of $80. Ugh... I had to take three days off work and spend a ton of time at their office. Let me tell you l, the things you see at the welfare office will stick in your brain FOREVER. I watched a bedbug crawl out of a diaper bag. A male get too impatient waiting for the bathroom so he peed in the bushes, and (the icing on the cake) a woman tell her caseworker that the money she makes "hooking" should not effect her cash assistance. Yep, it happened.

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Written in Red


Written in Red - Anne Bishop

There were things I liked, and things that bugged, but the likeable content far outweighed the rest.


I love the world this is set in. I have read books that have a variety of paranormal characters, but so much of what Anne Bishop has created here is unique. I have really developed a liking for so many of these characters. I absolutely love a character named Tess, and another named Winter. They have some amazing, wicked, scary powers. Also I like that there isn't graphic sex, or much romance to speak of. It was a welcome change from what I have grown to expect from this genre. So many books in this category use it as a filler to make the page number increase, not saying that I am not a fan of using it, but this was nice for a change. I don't know what to expect from future books, they may or may not follow suite.


I do think that was maybe a bit too much of the book spent reading about the main character doing her job of basically "mail sorter," or Human Liason. I much would have preferred read about the amazing characters, and their extraordinary powers.


I will definitely continue this series as soon as my library copy is available.

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Burn for Me (Hidden Legacy Book 1)


Burn for Me - Ilona Andrews

I really liked this. The world is complex and not cookie cutter like so many other paranormal novels. The romance wasn't smutty, which I liked even though I usually go for books that are have very graphic sex in them. I do wish that it wasn't first person, but I can overlook that because of how well written it is. I always shied away from Ilona Andrews for some reason. So glad I decided to give this series a chance. On to book two if it is available on my libraries digital site. It was yesterday, fingers crossed.

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